Saturday 5 April 2014

Ilse's Journal OVA

warning: may contain spoilers!

today i shall be giving my opinion on the Attack On Titan OVA, Ilse's Diary # Journal # Notebook (otherwise known as Ilse No Techou). 
i had watched this long before writing this post but i just recently re-watched it out of pent-up urgency. and might i say, the feels that ensued only a minute into the thing *shakes head* it was overwhelming. my sister said she felt it too, the nostalgic excitement, the butterflies in your tummy, the warm butter sliding down a hot toast feeling... its too much to handle.
firstly i must recommend this to everyone on earth who is an SNK # AOT fan, then secondly i must retract that recommendation in-case you havent read the manga. in the manga chapter this comes alot earlier on then in the anime, it also says it contains no spoilers, but i beg to differ. i feel it does contain a light sprinkling of spoilers and is not suited for the weak-hearted. but if you are all caught-up on that side of life or feel it will not destroy further happiness when season 2 is released, go right ahead!

moving on. DEM FEELS! after weeks- no, months of deprivation this really satisfied my needs. it gives you a look into how Hanji Zoe tries to convince Erwin Smith to capture Titans alive to use as test subjects, as they had long stopped doing that for bare time, along with a random survey-corps member called Ilse Langner's journey through a failed expedition. she has lost her horse and her team-mates, so she moves forward on her own, and decides to jot down whatever she finds on the way. its very interesting indeed, id like to see more stuff like this for suresies. 
its also great to see the survey corps itself going on a mission slightly different to what we've seen before, the investigation-ey side of it is v gripping. it also feels a bit eery dare i say it! 
everything is wonderfully animated as usual, and are treated to a great action-scene from Levai-Revai himself. it really gets you PUMPED
i must say they did a really good job with the Titan bit, its very creepy and the sounds it makes are horrific. the way it talks isn't really lame like i feared- though i do wish it sounded just a touch more, how do you say.... in-human. but its not too bad, its more then made up for by the in-pained screeches it makes after.
i think this is just an overall great story, and fun to watch too! it definitely gets me PUMPED for the next OVA they are working on, i wonder what its about- it cant come fast enough!!! FORGET THAT, WHAT ABOUT SEASON 2!???? I CANT WAIT FOR IT TO COME OUUUUTTTT! there are so many bits which would look just epic in anime-form!!

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