Tuesday 29 October 2013

my thoughts on moe

Heres a quick description from Anime News Network so you get the general gist of what im about to talk about: Moe is a Japanese term used in connection with manga or anime to describe something precious, usually (but not always) the ideal of youthful and innocent femininity. Written with the kanji for "to bud or sprout" (萌), the concept covers a range of ideal behaviour for youthful female characters in manga or anime. To be moe, a character can be eager or perky, not overly independent, and call forth a desire in the viewer to protect them and nurture them. The term is also used to describe any preciously cute item.
From Wiki: "Moe is not considered as a concrete term." 
do you get the general gist of what im talking about now? if your an anime fan im sure you've seen a couple of few moes' yourself by now. well, i've come to discuss my opinion on them. its come to my attention that theres quite alot of people out there that hate 'em! and i can understand where those people are coming from, they arent to everyones taste. especially if you've only seen the super cliche` ones.  
but i actually like them. i draw those kinds of characters, i've watched a few anime's where the only characters they have are moe, gosh!- my own sister is moe! 
whats not to like?
However, as is the case with most anime-personality-types, there are also plenty of annoying ones out there. the ones that try to force the childlike behaviour and oblivious-ness. ones that take it to a whole new level of innocence that they dont realize showing your necessaries to a complete stranger is plain wrong. 
moe? more like dumb-ass!

also, although its sweet and all, you do start wishing they'd switch things up a little, make things a bit more refreshing by not adding them as much. but i suppose thats mainly down to the recycled moe'. i have seen plenty of characters that fall into this category but dont behave in the typical frail as a flower way. they can be just as funny and interesting, if you do it right! a couple examples of this would be Yuki Nagato from TMOHS. she is boss! she's saved her friends lives so many times, infact almost every sticky situation they get themselves into she's the one to get em out! she doesnt get all flustered and annoying over everything and when she talks she talks goood. i have to admit she's pretty annoying in The Disappearance, but thats not really her true self. so dont judge her by it! also, i think i mentioned this before but pretty much all the 
characters in Lucky Star are moe, and yet they have a variety of different personalities, and they are all actually really adorable. and the list goes on, but i shall not list them all because i think you get what im saying! well, thats pretty much all i have to say on this subject! i am a Mo-Lover. everyone needs a bit of good quality Mo. xDD jawwwks.

btw, i was browsing google and found this, and i couldnt help but crack up, it reminds me of myself

Sunday 20 October 2013


Censorship in anime makes no sense to me. i really do not got it, not at all. what goes through the censories minds when they censor? let me give you a few examples.
Bleach's Rangiku Matsumoto always has her shihaksho loose from the front, therefore exposing a large portion of her breasts, and they feel free to show that wherever possible, however they make Soi Fon and Yoruichi wear white vests under their outfits (which in the manga they dont wear therefore revealing the side part of there breastage). im not complaining, im glad that they made them cover themselves up, it just doesnt make sense is all. also on many occasions they show blood splurting everywhere and arms being chopped off, and yet from time to time they try and act civilized by reducing the damage that may be caused in certain fights. for example Yammy gets his arm cut off by Ichigo which they show, but they find it much too deadly to show Uryu when his arm gets cut off (both times). the same goes for Jidanbo. repetitions of this go on all throughout Bleach. the producers need to decide whether they want to be child-friendly or appeal to the older market which its meant to. another factor is the dub for Bleach. they feel free to say the illegitimate child word and other offenses, but often times they change a portion of the script to appeal to the american dream (because of perhaps the rudeness). also with one of my manga vols which i own they censored a picture of Grimmjow doing the middle-finger-signal by making it look like he's just got his fist in the air, but in the very same book they have multiple panels of Rangiku with all her necessaries popping out (which i had to cover up myself).
these rules do not just apply to Bleach, i've seen the same thing in many different Anime's, and i was just thinking it kind of weird because there morals never make sense.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Bleach Jigoku Hen Review.

Hello! after a long break i've decided to make my third review in the Bleach Filler Series i started. this round we'll be tackling the 4th movie in the series, yaaaay!

  • bewar this is going to be long
  • bewar this may contain spoilers (read at your own risk)
  • bewar i do not own Bleach or Tite Kubo
  • bewar the actual plot may or mayn't be explained.


Bleach Hell Verse
this movie opens up with a fight betwen Ulquiorra and Ichigo (makes no sense i know, i just think the
animators were so pumped about the whole ordeal they couldnt resist throwing it into the film), it leaves you feeling confused and boggled, but things soon clear up as we cut back to Karakura-cho, where Ichigo is reenacting his glory days of ghostbusting. he is beating up some bullies who knocked over a vase you see, much like in the first ever ep in the series (they seem to be doing a lot of recycling in the story so far). then Renji and Rukia come along and tell Ichigo about a new mission they have been assigned. being the attention-seeker he is he offers to butt in, but Renji retorts and says he is only a Proxy Soul Reaper and that he should stop interfering with their work (or rather thats what Byakuya wished for).
a----, wait why am i telling you what happens in the story? i should be expressing my feelings more!
i have to admit that i wasnt very pleased with how they portrayed Hell. i understand how it couldnt be completely Hell-ish otherwise there'd be no story to tell, but when me and my sister were watching it we were just guffawing the entire time at how stupid it was. there are palaces and secret dens for the baddies to chill at, large reservoirs of fresh crystal-clean water for anyone who needs to cool-off, lavish pillers and a huge area full of apartment blocks where all the sinners stay. there are these massive giant-things which eat the evil-doers again and again, but it doesnt really seem all that painful, and if you have spiritual power you can outrun them anyway as many of the criminals have learned to do.

for someone who may have murdered, kidnapped, stole, bombed and much much more, i think they get off quite lightly in this place. for those who feel prison isnt enough and when they go to Hell it'll be true justice... well, they got it aaaallll wrrooooong (in Bleach-world anyway)*
it truly is a beautiful place! i dont think anyone that goes there would be missing out, at this rate id be
disappointed to be sent to the Soul Society, it seems harder to make a life there then in Hell, apparently. and no one seems to be really affected by the fire, its probably just like getting a mild burn when your cooking. and the gatekeepers are pretty clumsy (so moe!) considering the amount of sinners able to escape -_-

as if that wasnt bad enough, when Ichigo goes vasto lorde on us and lets a huge flame of hell into the WOTL no one really seems effected. buildings steadfast, humans carrying on with their daily lives. they could've at least showed a large portion of the town incinerated, especially since they dont mind doing that when Ichigo uses Mugetsu and stuff. im not asking for much here! Ichigo could still find a way around it if they insist, but as for the other people condemned their, they could've made it seem more painful and torture-some, and make that it isnt as peaceful and have such breathtaking architectures. they really had no limits on this movie since they discarded every one of Kubo's idea's to begin with  -_____- 

thats another thing which made me annoyed with this movie a bit more, knowing how excited Kubo-sensei was for it because he couldnt cover the whole Hell idea in the manga, how he attended meetings and made promotional art for it and then what'd they do? just ignore them all and go with whatever they wanted! he even wanted his name taken out of the credits, how sick is that!? people these days!

BUUUT besides the whole rubbish portrayal of Hell and betrayal to the creator of Bleach i think overall it was good. really awesome animation and the storyline is interesting enough. i also think some of the fights are quite cool, specially Renji's. there were some interesting characters, but the three minions are really retarded and disturbing, i felt kinda queasy at one point xD
but overall i enjoyed it, and im sure i'll watch it again! just could've been better is what im saying. i think id give it 3 stars.
thats it for now, stay tuned for more posts like this!

*but who really knows what the true Jigoku in Bleach would've been like had Kubo done it himself, maybe it was meant to be more frightening, we'll never know!

Friday 4 October 2013

thug lyfe

this video is too funny for words! there are some bits which are less amusing then others, but most of it is just hilar! 

Armin makes such a bad-ass yet intelligent thug.