i know this isnt exactly anime related, but the heck! its got some link what with the whole animation side of these dolls and whutnots.
anyhow, today i decided to type into good old Youtube ''Bratzillaz vs Monster High'' and watched both of the music video's the two brands have. i found lots of people rooting for Monster High, there excuse being that Bratzillaz is a rip-off and that they copied them and whatnots. i dont mind people preferring Monster High all that much, but what drives me up the wall is their reasoning, ''oh, Bratzillaz copied Monster high!'' and just saying other dumb things just because they bought Monster High first. so i thought i should write my opinion on the matter. it may be biased, but i dont see why that should bother anyone seeing as everyones opinion on this matter seems to be biased.
first of all- all the comparison vids i've seen always show the music videos and the music videos alone, which i think is bang out of order considering that the Bratzillaz video is blatantly a fail. i am happy to admit that MH's attempt is much better and catchier in certain aspects, so its alright if people say this is one of the reasons they prefer MH. but its unfair that all everyone ever see's is the Bratzillaz flop music video, when there are other good things about it which are never mentioned. im not saying they should upload their entire biography or anything, but they should at least show pictures of the dolls at the end or summat.
it'd be cool if they uploaded both of the commercials because its more related to the dolls and then people can make a better judgement of who they prefer.
i mean you have to admit that the Bratzillaz commercial is pretty epic! me personally i think its way better then the MH version
i mean its really catchy no??
monster high's one is good too, but me personally
its not as captivating.
now onto the subject of the whole copying business. i dont know how anyone can say they are copying Monster High when their look is completely different. MH dolls have unique coloured skin such as green and blue, they are super skinny and alot of their outfits are more ''be true to who you are'' then stylish.
these dolls i would say are definitely more funky fierce and bright. if you take a look at Bratzillaz you will see that both concepts are completely different. the only thing they have in common is that both dolls are supernatural and that they go to an academy to learn about their powers. but then you could go and say that MH are a rip off the original Bratz dolls because all throughout the series the girls discover many mythical creatures, and they too attend a school to learn. not to mention they have big eyes and flamboyant clothes like the Bratz. but suddenly no one remembers that when they talk about copying. and its not just the idea's even the Bratzillaz faces look completely different to MH. for one thing the shape of their face is more full. not to mention that their eyes are ten times more stunning then MH, with the real glass they simply look gorge! and their lips are more pouty to some extent. their figure is also different so the clothes dont look the same on them.
as i said before these dolls have slight similarities but that is what happens with anything really, but as a whole they are utterly different idea's each having their pro's and cons so i wish people would shut up about Bratzillaz copying MH because they arent, and if they are that concerned about copying why dont they think that maybe MH took a sneak peek at the original Bratz dolls and indeed copied them? yeah, thats what i fort!
Witches are alot different to Monsters. Monsters are creatures that usually dont resemble humans at all, or if they do very little. they have fur and sharp teeth, warts and spew green slime. Witches and Wizards are ordinary looking people with a couple inhuman looking features, and they can cast spells and fly.
see the difference now? no? no? well then i dont know what i could possibly do or say to convince you.
now then, i know i have rambled an aweful lot but thats life for you,
i just wanted to put my opinion out there. i prefer Bratzillaz, and they most certainly did not copy Monster High, that is the moral of this story.
thats all for now! over and out!